About us


A large part of the Bankers´Association´s work takes place within the European Banking Federation, EBF, vis-á-vis the EU institutions and other international bodies. The Bankers´Association is likewise engaged within the European Mortgage Federation, a cooperative organisation in Brussels for European mortgage companies, as well as within Eurofinas and Leaseurope, which are cooperative bodies for European finance companies.

The Association further participates in several other international bodies, e.g. European Payment Council (EPC), European Committee for Banking Standards (ECBS) and International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).

European Banking Federation, EBF

EBF, based in Brussels represents the various bankers´ associations of the EU member states. EBF is tasked with being the mouthpiece of the associations in their dealings with the EU Commission, the European Parliament, and the Council. 

The Bankers´ Association is represented on the board of the directors of the EBF, The Board, and in its Executive Committee. The Bankers´ Association is also represented in the EBF subcommittees, which, inter alia, handle legal, accounting and tax issues, supervisory issues and technical banking issues. The EBF office is headed by a General Secretary and has around 30 employees.